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An Initial Learning Progression in Chemical Design

This resource is one of a series of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-based projects funded by the National Science Foundation. It is a document from the collection at the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education, describing a two-year (2012-2014) exploratory project in which science educators at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and the University of Arizona collaborated to develop and test a learning progression for the study of chemistry, integrating the three major dimensions identified in the NGSS.

This resource is included within this collection as an example of the types of studies being conducted to develop coherent learning progressions within a discipline at this early stage of implementation of the NGSS, and as educational materials become available. Educators interested in research behind curriculum development based on NGSS goals will find it valuable.

Content Comments

The authors of this resource developed and tested a learning progression at grades 8-13 for the study of chemistry. Likely pathways are investigated for how grades 8-13 students’ implicit assumptions develop on five major threads of chemical design. A focus on chemical design facilitates the coherent integration of scientific and engineering practices, cross-cutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This approach aims to make chemistry more engaging to a greater variety of students. This study is among a few that are leading with research-based curriculum aligned to the vision of the NGSS. A login for the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education is required in order to interact with the authors, but a downloadable version of their project poster is available.

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Grade Level

High School (9-12) Higher Education Middle School (6-8)