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Assessment Literacy Webinar

The Assessment Literacy webinar provides guidance for middle and high schools that are attempting to ensure their assessment system is balanced and aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA/Literacy. The webinar focuses on the roles that formative, interim, and summative assessments serve in the instructional cycle. The webinar is broken into 4 sections:

What is Assessment Literacy?
CAASPP: Summative, Interim, and Formative Assessments
Formative Tools and Processes
Resources and Next Steps

The presenters, Gina Koency and Kathy Caric, use a variety of methods throughout the webinar that include reflective and discussion questions, multiple choice polls, reflection activities, quickwrites, video, detailed examples of the process of deconstructing standards, steps for developing lessons, and tips for student feedback.

Content Comments

The webinar serves as useful guidance for educators in ELA/Literacy as they engage in instructional planning. As assessment is integral to the instructional cycle, this webinar will support educators as they makes decisions about:
the types and/or design of educational assessment they will use in their classrooms
how to best interpret the data from these educational assessments
how to best use the data and interpretations to guide their instructional planning
The various reflection activities in the webinar are designed to be used with a professional learning community (PLC), but individual educators who engage in the webinar will also find these reflection activities valuable and helpful. 

General Topics


Resource Type


Grade Level

Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)