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Considerations for Next-Generation Assessments: A Roadmap to 2014
From the publisher’s web site: “This road map is intended to help states navigate – and mitigate – the many interdependent issues and challenges they will face as they transition to online assessments. Based on insight from states that have already made the transition and from assessment experts, this guide contains valuable lessons learned as well as five key steps to success: (1) Conduct a needs analysis (2) Develop a realistic transitionstrategy and plan (3) Ensure interoperability (4) Communicate proactively (5) Anticipate ongoing change.”
The authors of this resource clearly state their purpose and meet it. Communications quality is excellent, with effective, concise writing and a nice graphic design. The links to other resources embedded in the publication are also helpful, as are the case studies at the end of the resource. The guide’s publication date is unclear, and – because most states have already implemented technology-based assessments – its utility may be a bit lower than expected. Evidence of effectiveness is not addressed, but, based on the other high-quality elements, this product seems likely to have a positive effect on educational systems. Users should also note that a full checklist is available as a companion to this guide. Readers should note that the primary audience for this resource is state education agencies, although school districts may find parts of this publication helpful.