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Innovation in Action: State Pathways for Advancing Student-Centered Learning

From the Publisher: “CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) and the state (education) chiefs developed the Innovation Lab Network (ILN) to share learning, drive collective action, and to create and scale student-centered learning environments. The ILN developed a framework, referenced as the ILN Policy & Implementation Logic Model (the Logic Model), to guide states as they explore unique pathways toward this shared vision. The Logic Model provides a set of policy and implementation considerations necessary for advancing student-centered learning at scale in ways that lead to improved outcomes in college, career, and citizenship readiness (CCCR). This document provides an overview of the ILN vision and the Logic Model and provides examples of how state chiefs are using the Logic Model to put their vision into action.” 

Content Comments

This publication sets forth an interesting conceptual model for learning: six components surrounding the learner. It meets this conceptual purpose well, but it could be improved by research that better supports the model rather than the general state examples described. The communications quality is good, using an excellent design, although some of the wording might be reduced or simplified to reach policy audiences. Its use might be limited because it is a conceptual model competing against many other past and present learning models. Evidence of effectiveness is not provided, although the publisher plans to provide more details in a forthcoming publication.

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