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Leaping the College-Ready Gap: What Can Be Learned from Schools That Focus on Deeper Learning
This guidance document identifies, eight public schools that focus on Deeper Learning strategies in implementing practices to ensure that students are college ready. It provides a brief overview of all the identified schools and profiles one in further detail, describing school activities that focus on creating a college-going culture and academic mind-set where teachers engage with students to customizing learning to meet students’ individual educational needs and aspirations. Most of the eight schools had a high number of low-income and minority students, and all school profiles provided examples of rich learning environments, community involvement, and students engagement.”
This paper meets its goal of profiling practices found in eight schools designed to develop both curiosity and passion in students through learning activities designed to promote critical thinking, problem solving and effective communication. It is succinct in its presentation and has one page briefly profiling each of the identified schools along with an additional section profiling one school, Casco Bay High School, in more detail. For those interested in the topic of Deeper Learning, it is useful in the research cited, in addition to the practices, policy implications, and recommendations shared within the article.