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Reading and Math in the Common Core Era

This Brooking’s Brown Center Report (BCR) considers variations in different states’ implementation of Common Core State Standards to look at the association of the standards with reading and mathematics performance. The report focuses on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment performance in grades four and eight. 

Content Comments

This report provides interesting data that adds to the discussion of if, how, and in what ways Common Core State Standards (CCSS) impact student achievement on NAEP assessments. Through a number of tables, the paper provides easy-to-access graphic representations of changes in emphasis on the use of fiction and non-fiction texts in grades 4 and 8. In addition, the report provides information on types of math courses taken at the grade 8 level over a 15-year span and performance comparison on NAEP for states with various levels of CCSS implementation status. While the data presented does not provide any clear answer to the impact CCSS have had on achievement, it does provide timely information that is relevant and leads to additional questions for discussions and further research.

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Grade Level

Elementary School (K-5) Middle School (6-8)