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Science is Coming to the California Dashboard
This essential guide for California assists educators in preparing for the integration of science performance data into the California School Dashboard. Starting with the 2025...
Kindergarten Entry Assessments: An Examination of Best Practices, National Trends, and Recommendations
States and districts use Kindergarten entry assessments (KEA) as evaluative tools for understanding students' learning along developmental domains. Data from KEAs are informative for guiding...
Key Elements of a Coherent and Equitable Local Assessment System
State assessments play an important role in monitoring how well schools and districts serve the needs of all learners. However, they are designed to provide...
K–2 Assessment Systems Enable Early Intervention to Foster Student Success
Across the United States, statewide assessments in English language arts and mathematics are federally mandated each school year in grades 3 through 8 and once...
Kindergarten Readiness Assessments Help Identify Skill Gaps
Researchers have long traced achievement gaps in the elementary years back to readiness gaps at the start of kindergarten. Educators seeking to address these gaps,...
Scaffolding Writing With the “Teaching and Learning Cycle” for Students in Grades 6–12
Reading critically involves examining the language choices authors make to “get the job done” — in other words, to communicate effectively in specific ways with...
Making Decisions Using Assessment Data in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed all aspects of teaching and learning over the past two school years. Consequently, administration of summative assessments in spring 2021...
Assessment Leadership
A comprehensive, balanced assessment system and a culture of effective evidence use do not emerge by accident. They take capable leadership to build. Assessment leadership...
Critical Content Supporting Statewide Formative Assessment Practice
Formative assessment is enacted by teachers and students, but successful implementation of formative assessment practices depends on stakeholders at every level of the education system....
Using Data to Inform Standard-Setting Recommendations
Standard-setting methods have focused on utilizing content information to determine recommendations for performance level cut scores on assessments. In recent years, there has been an...