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21st Century Educators: Developing and Supporting Great Career and Technical Education Teachers
This Special Issues Brief from the Center on Great Teachers & Leaders at American Institutes for Research (AIR) focuses on career and technical education (CTE) teachers who work in secondary schools. CTE teachers are certified classroom teachers who teach in one of the many CTE-specific subjects, such as health sciences, engineering, computer programing, or business. As such, the authors contend that CTE teachers can help improve college and career readiness for all students. However, major state and education reforms, such as the Common Core State Standards, have not paid sufficient attention to CTE teachers. This report addresses these policy gaps by providing an overview of the state policies, implications for CTE teacher effectiveness, and next steps for creating aligned policies. This report is intended for several stakeholders, including regional centers, SEA policymakers and staff, and educator quality organizations.
This brief is clear in its intent to provide a starting point and common foundation for conversations about how state leaders can support CTE teachers in promoting student learning outcomes by aligning CTE teacher policies. The brief provides specific strategies for SEAs and CTE stakeholders to consider in determining certification requirements. The design and organization of this lengthy brief make the variety of related information easily accessible and visually appealing. It provides a series of clear action steps for state policy makers on guidance and implementation support. Numerous links and references throughout the document add to its comprehensive nature. An included glossary and five pages of references, speak to the “completeness” of this useful resource.