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Applying Universal Design to the Common Core
The topic for this segment of Bam! Radio (an all-education radio network that offers programming from top education organizations and leaders) is about Universal Design. Guest Dr. Katie Novak (Title I Director, ELL Director, and Reading coordinator in Chelmsford Public Schools) discusses teacher implementation of Universal Design for Learning and the Common Core State Standards.
The purposes of this short radio broadcast are effectively presented in the introduction and very well met. The key speaker, Dr. Katie Novak, is excellent, with outstanding knowledge of Universal Design as well as instruction. Communications quality is excellent, and the broadcast is easy to understand and follow, though listeners will need a background in standard educational language. Utility should be very high, especially if used as an introduction to the concepts of Universal Design and their implementation in classrooms. Based on the high quality of the resource’s overall content and comprehensibility, this resource has significant potential to influence learning positively.