Common Core State Standards: Assessment Literacy
This website provides a wide range of information on assessments, including an overview of assessment literacy, California’s assessment system, the purposes and uses of assessments, developing assessments, analyzing data, and effective use of assessment results. It is one in a series of professional development modules designed to help educators transition instruction to the Common Core State Standards.
This professional development course states its purposes and generally meets them. The program contains a very large amount of assessment literacy information with an estimated nine hours necessary for completion. The program is well organized and divided into sections that contain useful information, followed by assessment of learning goals. Communications quality is generally reasonable. However, some sentences are overly academic and too wordy. One quote, for example, contained more than 50 words. The videos within the course were generally talking heads covering fairly broad and perhaps overly familiar content. Usability is difficult to predict due to the length of time required to complete the full course. However, users can easily pick out key chapters of interest. Close alignment to the Common Core State Standards and California’s assessment system may limit use by non-California educators. However, much of the content is applicable to all states. Evidence of effectiveness is not addressed but an impact on learning is possible.