Dual Language Learner Toolkit
Early childhood programs must be prepared to promote positive experiences and high-quality education for dual language learners by emphasizing students’ strengths and providing individualized learning supports. This toolkit is a collection of dozens of resources for educational agencies with step-by-step guidelines for structuring our educational systems to promote home language benefits while ensuring the development of English language acquisition and skill development in high-quality educational settings. Each section of the toolkit is designed for a stakeholder group and provides guidance documents, research briefs, documents on systems, policies and practices, and support for staff development activities. The resources are organized into three stakeholder groups: Administrators and Managers; Teachers, Caregivers, and Family Service Staff; and Families.
This collection of resources is comprehensive, useful, and targeted to each person or agency working in early childhood education. Many documents are also available in Spanish, and some of the family literature is also available in Arabic. The format and readability level make these resources accessible for its intended audiences.