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From Adoption to Practice: Teacher Perspectives on the Common Core

This study from the Education Week Research Center reports findings from a survey of 457 K-12 teachers and instructional specialists on their views of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and their readiness to put them into practice. Educators were asked questions on the following topics: the standards and the assessments tied to them, the curricular resources and training they have received to support classroom practice, and the impact of the new benchmarks on instruction and student learning. Respondents of the survey were registered users of, Education Week’s flagship website, and survey was made available during the 2013-2014 school year. Notable findings from the survey results include:

– A large majority of respondents report having some familiarity with the common standards in both English/language arts and mathematics, but respondents are less familiar with the aligned assessments being developed by two national consortia;
– Fewer than half of respondents believe that their textbooks and other main curricular materials are aligned to the CCSS;
– Although a large majority of educators have received some professional development for the CCSS, nearly eight in 10 report wanting more;
– Educators feel moderately prepared to teach the CCSS to their students as a whole. However, their confidence drops for certain student groups, particularly English-language learners and students with disabilities; and
– Most educators believe the CCSS will have a positive impact on their own instruction and student learning. Respondents have a less favorable view of the effects of the forthcoming aligned assessments.

Content Comments

This is a well-written synthesis of survey research around teacher opinion of the CCSS. The study notes its limitations in both the methodology and selection of participants, which are clearly articulated early in the report. The synthesis communicates the survey’s findings in a well organized and visually appealing format throughout. The opinions of approximately 500 respondents provide useful and timely information related to professional development and teachers’ engagement with the CCSS and related curricula.

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