Resource Hub

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Improving Teaching and Learning with Data-Based Decisions: Asking the Right Questions and Acting on the Answers

This resource provides information on data-based decision making to help schools increase student achievement, focusing on the use of data to inform instructional and curricular change. Included is an overview on how educators can use assessments with different purposes to gather various types of data. The paper also outlines the attributes of effective data use and various methods for providing support for staff. This information could be valuable to teachers and administrators in light of efforts to improve assessment literacy and use student data as the basis for instructional decision-making.

Content Comments

This resource is very user friendly and would be an excellent starting place for educators just becoming assessment literate. It has easy to access tables on different types of assessments and their purposes. It also provides compelling arguments for why analyzing and acting on data is key for school success.

Resource Type


Grade Level

Early Learning Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)