Innovative Math Program Succeeds at American Indian Schools, Before Funding Is Cut
This article provides an overview of a mathematics program “Strength in Number,” which is used by some Wyoming schools that serve large numbers of Native American students. The program exemplifies the type of learning and assessment envisioned in the Common Core State Standards, though it was developed more than ten years before work began on the Common Core. According to the author, the program has helped raise student proficiency by teaching math problem-solving strategies, rather then through more traditional methods.
This is an engaging and well-written article highlighting a program that appears to have had a positive impact on mathematics learning in some Wyoming schools serving mostly Native American students. The evidence behind the success of the program is reasonable for a news article, but it is somewhat difficult to evaluate given Wyoming’s significant changes to the test during the 2013-14 school year. Communications quality is excellent, coupled with a pleasing design. The article may be useful for schools serving Native American students, although the program’s cost could be an issue. A positive impact on learning is possible, although further study is recommended.