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Instructional Practice Toolkit and Classroom Videos

The Instructional Practice Toolkit and Classroom Videos is a professional learning resource for teachers and teacher educators. There are two instructional practice toolkit modules: one for mathematics and another for English language arts/literacy. Each toolkit module centers around a few sample lessons that help educators see what college- and career-ready standards can look like in practice. Working with lesson plans, student work, and videos of instruction, the modules walk educators through a series of activities to analyze the lesson, interpret samples of student work that resulted from the lesson, and reflect on ways to improve the lesson as well as next steps for instruction. The mathematics and English language arts/literacy instructional practice toolkit modules include: facilitator resources, participant handouts, videos of lessons being taught, and videos of interviews with teachers who taught the lessons. To extend the two toolkit modules, the resource offers a supplemental collection of lesson plans, videos of instruction, and student work samples.

Content Comments

The instructional toolkit modules are an opportunity for educators to analyze the relationship between how a teacher planned a lesson, how the teacher enacted the lesson in their classroom, and the work that students did as part of that lesson. The modules are nicely organized and easy to follow. Teachers and instructional coaches could use the modules as part of a study group or professional learning community. The resource could also be helpful for teacher educators to use with pre-service teachers.

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Elementary School (K-5) Middle School (6-8)