Relationships and convergences among the mathematics, science, and ELA practices
A product of the Stanford University Understanding Language initiative, this Venn diagram is a tool that effectively illustrates the overlap and grouping of student practices (and student capacities) from four sets of seminal documents: the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects; the CCSS in mathematics; A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas; and the Framework for English Language Proficiency Development (ELPD) Standards corresponding to the CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This will likely prove to be a valuable tool for curriculum and assessment developers who are tasked with integrating two or more sets of standards when developing instructional materials and/or assessments. In the explanatory note for the diagram (see below), the researcher highlights that “discussions and debate that arise from unpacking of this diagram can help educators make sense of the standards and spotlight the literacy/language implications these new standards have on their student populations.”
Also view the explanatory note for the Relationships and Convergences Venn Diagram.
An effective visual illustration of the similarities in what students are expected to do (practices) across the disciplines, this tool will benefit educators and developers of curriculum and assessments as they attempt to identify and support the overlap of student practices across standards. An awareness of these groupings and relationships will certainly increase the efficacy of instruction and assessment if taken into account in the design of aligned materials. The supporting explanatory note for the diagram details the intent and implications of the tool and provides additional background information. This tool can be used to complement the development of instructional and assessment materials, but additional information on its application would provide more clarity into the stated implications.