Teaching is the Core Assessment Literacy Series
The EngageNY “Teaching is the Core Assessment Literacy” webinar provides useful guidance for both teachers and districts regarding designing, interpreting, and using assessments to inform instruction and support learning. The video series is broken into 5 webinars led by international classroom expert, Dr. Sue Brookhart – The Assessment Review Process, Performance Assessment, Test Construction, Action Plan and Professional Development, Rubrics and Other Scoring Methods. The first webinar, The Assessment Review Process, focuses on fundamentals of assessment review, including validity, reliability, and the use of assessments to inform instruction and support learning goals. The second webinar, Performance Assessment, focuses on how to use performance assessment, including tasks and rubrics. The third webinar, Test Construction, focuses on test construction, including test blueprints, linking item performance to learning objectives, and item writing. The fourth webinar, Action Plan and Professional Development, focuses on how districts may focus their action plans and professional development for the grant period. The fifth and final webinar, Rubrics and Other Scoring Methods, focuses on how districts can effectively select or create rubrics and also how to use other scoring methods for special purposes.
This webinar helps educators build knowledge about how to use assessment to make effective decisions at the classroom, school, and district level. One of the main purposes of this webinar is to help educators make informed decisions about designing, interpreting, and using quality educational assessments that provide meaningful, informative data capable of effectively guiding instructional planning and student learning. Each section of the webinar is approximately 1.5 hours long and the presentation slides and materials are available for participants to preview ahead of time or review upon completion. The materials for the webinar can be accessed clicking here.