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The College and Career Readiness and Success Organizer
From the Publisher: The Career Readiness and Success Organizer “is a graphic that displays a consolidated overview of the many elements that impact a learner’s ability to succeed in college and careers at both the institutional and individual levels. The Organizer is intended to be a comprehensive and visual representation of the complexities of the college and career readiness and success universe. It can be used to facilitate discussions and inform collaboration within and across various stakeholder communities. Furthermore, it can contribute to strategic planning, conceptualization, and decision making as well as alignment of strategies and initiatives to ensure that all learners achieve college and career readiness and success.”
This organizer presents an innovative and detailed model for conceptualizing Pre-K through workforce readiness. It achieves its limited purposes, which include providing “a conversation starter or facilitator to help SEAs, LEAs, schools, community-based organizations (CBOs), and other stakeholders consider the vast landscape of college and career readiness and success.” The visual design and model itself are excellent. However wording tends to be academic, many sentences are too long, and the quantity of educational acronyms and concepts impacts its readability. Utility would be higher if the authors provided evidence of actual usage. While there is no evidence of effectiveness, the thoughtfulness and details within the organizer could support learning.