Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments
The U. S. Department of Education issued this guidance “to provide State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, educators, and partner organizations with information to assist them in selecting and using ‘evidence-based’ activities, strategies, and interventions, as defined in Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)” (p. 2). Part I of this guidance document lists five ways to strengthen the effectiveness of Elementary and Secondary Education Act investments. Part II provides guidance on the definition of “evidence-based.”
This is important resource from the Department about the use and selection of “evidence-based” activities, strategies, and interventions that promote student learning. This guidance document contains examples and adaptations of existing work (e.g., activities and strategies) and links to resources that are informed by research on the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions to support students’ achievement. This resource is a must read for all stakeholders to successfully choose and implement interventions that improve outcomes for students.