Year Two of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: States’ Progress and Challenges
As of January 2012, 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts and mathematics developed through the leadership of the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Released in June 2010, these voluntary standards outline the knowledge and skills in English language arts and math that students in grades kindergarten through 12 to learn to be prepared for college and careers.
This report is directed at policymakers and other stakeholders, who may determine where resources are most needed, and may raise curiosity as to how individual states are doing, due to anonymity of the report. Although it would be helpful to have state-by-state responses to some of the questions asked in this survey, the results are extremely important to both policymakers and practitioners. Some of the questions in this survey might well lead to policy changes, such as whether a state requires districts to develop long term comprehensive plans for local implementation of the CCSS.