Newsletter Archive
November 23, 2021 Newsletter
Formative assessment supports are the focus of this newsletter, highlighting WestEd services for building educator and leader capacity to understand and implement practices that encourage students to take active roles in their learning.
November 9, 2021 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights WestEd services for rigorous data analysis in support of instructional decision-making. WestEd is ready to support states and districts with using data to inform student-centered assessment and accountability practices.
October 26, 2021 Newsletter
Focused on services and resources for reviewing and redesigning assessment and accountability systems, this newsletter focuses on how WestEd supports states and districts with improvement efforts.
October 12, 2021 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights new WestEd services supporting states, districts and schools in designing and implementing curricular, assessment, and data analysis supports. Also included is an article to support students’ development of writing skills in different content areas.
September 2021 Newsletter
September’s newsletter highlights WestEd experts’ insights into timely educational issues: retaining teachers in rural school districts, engaging students in virtual learning formats, and strengthening professional learning for educators in preparation for content framework changes.
July 2021 Newsletter
In preparation for the next school year, July’s newsletter shares resources for analyzing student performance data for instruction and for utilizing formative assessment practices to increase students’ learning agency.