Newsletter Archive
June 2021 Newsletter
June’s newsletter highlights a number of WestEd services designed to support state, district, and school staff in understanding summative and formative assessment practices and adapting them for different classroom contexts.
May 2021 Newsletter
WestEd support and resources for increasing understanding of Smarter Balanced performance tasks and analyzing student responses to these tasks are highlighted. The newsletter also points readers to upcoming online professional development opportunities for educators and leaders working with English learner students.
April 2021 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights resources that support development of student-focused learning environments, including guidance for school leadership that supports formative assessment practices and an overview of current state initiatives to implement ethnic studies into content standards.
February 2021 Newsletter
To support ongoing work related to designing and utilizing rigorous, high-quality content standards and assessment tools, this newsletter highlights CSAA tools that can be adapted and used in a variety of educational contexts.
January 2021 Newsletter
WestEd experts have developed guidance and tools to continue supporting educators working in distance and hybrid learning models, including a new series designed to support the use of formative assessment practices.
November 2020 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights WestEd work focused on supporting formative assessment practices in the classroom and CSAA tools for implementing new or revised content standards and analyzing assessment systems.