Assessment Research & Innovation

The Challenge

With many assessments now using AI and other new technologies, research and guidance are needed to make sure these tools are fair and accurately track student progress.

What We Do

We use the latest research to develop innovative assessment tools that meet high standards while focuses on fairness and improving outcomes across all learners. By adopting new technologies and studying their impact, we create more detailed and meaningful assessments that give deeper insights into student learning.


Interactive Science Simulations for Large-Scale Assessment

WestEd’s SimScientists program studies how simulations enhance middle school science learning and assessment through research, model-based reasoning, cognition, e-learning design, and educational measurement.


Machines Imitating Humans: Scoring Systems and the Risk of Bias

Our Assessment Research and Innovation Team discusses how practical, culturally responsive approaches to machine scoring systems can help to ensure all students are evaluated fairly.


Why Updated Assessment Scores Are Changing How Educators Measure Student Progress

WestEd experts Sarah Quesen and Mariann Lemke examine how states are updating their  normative scores and what these updates mean for understanding student performance.

“Our partnership with WestEd provided multiple opportunities for authentic and pragmatic growth. The professional development we received was outstanding. The decision to partner with WestEd was an invaluable experience.”

— Dr. Rachel Kluth, Executive Director of Operations, Brockport Central School District, New York

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