Achieve the Core
The Achieve the Core website, created by Student Achievement Partners, contains free content designed to help educators understand and implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Developed in the spirit of collaboration, the website includes many tools designed to provide foundational knowledge for understanding the CCSS by describing the essential changes in practice required by the standards. The resources include Ready-to-Use modules such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, facilitator’s instructions, and hands-on activities for helping to understand and communicate the CCSS. These are intended for professional development workshops, professional learning communities, and self-study.
This website contains a great variety of resources (e.g., activities for the classroom, professional learning materials, communication strategies) geared at classroom teachers and school and district leaders. The materials and resources are clearly developed for addressing the instructional shifts required by the CCSS, with learning opportunities for teachers, coaches, administrators, and parents embedded throughout. The website itself is very well-organized with resources that are easy to use and visually appealing. This resource is a great go-to for CCSS supports at any level of school or district instruction and leadership.