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Appendix K: Model Course Mapping in Middle and High School for the Next Generation Science Standards

This resource is part of Volume II of the Next Generation Science Standards. It provides examples of course maps for grade-banded standards (6-8 and 9-12) to best prepare students for postsecondary success in college and careers. The authors describe rationales for the course models and clarify strategic points for localized development by districts and states. The model course maps are intended to serve both as models of process for planning courses and as sequences and models of potential end products. The authors emphasize that these are not curriculum but student outcomes, as well as the need to create coherent instructional programs that help students achieve the standards.

Content Comments

This appendix offers clear visual organizers demonstrating course designs, with multiple examples of course maps for readers to interpret and design their own maps. These resources are not prescriptive or all-encompassing, but shed light on an approach to designing course maps for professional development purposes.

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