Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development?
The Ready to Assess toolkit is a suite of three resources that help school and district educators consider and select assessments on social and emotional learning (SEL). The toolkit includes the following:
Brief – A general overview on the landscape of social and emotional assessment is provided, as well as a considerations of whether or not using an SEL assessment is the right move.
Decision Tree – Introduced in the Brief, this resource goes into more depth about the purposes of assessing, the rigor of the assessment, the practicality and the burden of using the assessment, and the ethics of assessment.
Tools Index – This is a list assessments identified by AIR for exploring social and emotional knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
This suite of resources provides educators and policymakers with guidance on whether and how to assess social and emotional learning and development. Each of the three resources is brief and informative, offering important considerations about the purposes and quality of assessments. Although each resource can be read on its own, the resources should be read together and in the order listed on the AIR webpage.