Benchmarking State Implementation of College- and Career-Readiness Standards, Aligned Assessments and Related Reforms: Cross-State Findings
The Southern Regional Education Board conducted a multi-year study of how 14 states are implementing college- and career-ready standards. This report is part of a series for the “Benchmarking State Implementation of Common Core Standards” project.
The purposes of this report are clearly described through both its title and in the executive summary. They are nicely met in the report itself. The methods used are appropriate for this type of publication. Users should realize that the information is either self-reported through interviews or data collected from web sites, and they should refer to the more specific reports that are summarized in this publication if they want details. The writing and publication design are outstanding, making this a relatively easy-to-read document despite its coverage of 14 states and a broad range of topics. Utilization should be very high, especially for states or districts discovering what other states and districts are doing to implement and assess college- and career-readiness standards. Users should be able to find many ideas and resources to improve their own educational programs.