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Calendar of Questions: A Common Core State Standards Implementation Tool for School Board Members, Superintendents, District Staff, Principals, Teachers, Counselors, Parents, and Students

This Calendar of Questions by the Council of the Great City Schools is a tool for districts to use as they implement the Common Core State Standards. The calendar provides overarching questions that could be posed throughout the year, as well as questions for district staff and principals to consider before the school year starts. Questions are organized by month and focus on particular aspects of implementation for people at various levels of the district. The questions “model how to proactively plan and monitor efforts to raise student achievement and to assess their impact throughout the organization.” The Council of the Great City Schools cautions that “this is not an exhaustive list and the questions should not function as a checklist of completed tasks” but instead, “the goal is to promote discussion and synchronize the work in a logical way across the organization.”

Content Comments

This document is very well organized by a series of questions different stakeholders can ask of themselves over the period of an academic year. These questions are in relation to each stakeholder, from the state level to the student. The questions have each consider their part in CCSS implementation process. There are some questions that may not relate to all situations (e.g., if a school or district is further along in the implementation process, they may want to skip the first sets of questions). Overall, this resource provides a good “thinking map” of what to consider during the CCSS implementation process and serves as a good accountability tool.

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