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Common Core for ELLs: Classroom Videos

These classroom video modules showcase several approaches of Common Core-aligned instruction with English language learners (ELLs). The videos feature educators from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Poughkeepsie, New York, who worked in collaboration with Dr. Diane August to implement the new standards with their ELL students. The videos highlight specific Common Core standards being met, as well as research-based ELL strategies. Each video module includes:

a video of a lesson;
a written summary of the lesson;
the Common Core State Standards addressed in the lesson;
a link to lesson plans;
related ELL strategies and resources;
video(s) of the teacher’s reflections;
video(s) from the experts (e.g., district leaders, researchers); and
comments from viewers.

According to the Colori­n Colorado website, the videos can be used for self-paced professional development for individual teachers or professional learning groups.

Content Comments

The video modules cover grades 1, 4, 7, 8, and 9 and focus on a variety of English language arts activities in the classroom. Each module contains a wealth of information. One great feature in the Lesson Summary component is the “things to watch for,” which lists key ELL strategies the teacher used with her students during the recorded lesson. This list helps the viewer analyze the video and pay attention to important aspects of the lesson. The video modules from Albuquerque, NM, are more developed than those from Poughkeepsie, NY, because they are part of a fully developed set of units and lessons. The Albuquerque videos also have a What the Experts Say component integrated into their video modules, whereas expert video interviews from Poughkeepsie are housed on its project page. (Also see the Albuquerque project page for additional videos, including behind-the-scenes videos.) Overall, the classroom video modules are a great resource for teachers of ELL students to view for ideas on CCSS implementation with research-based ELL strategies.

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Grade Level

Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)