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Common Core State Standards and Implications for Special Populations
This policy brief explores the potential impact of the implementation of Common Core State Standards on students with disabilities, Native American students, and English language learners, and gives examples of implementation targeting these populations, followed by recommendations and questions for policymakers to consider.
(Important – If this file does not open properly on your computer, download it and change the .ashx at the end of the file to .pdf.)
This is a high-quality, well-presented policy brief; however, only a small section is pertinent to each of the groups covered: Students with Disabilities, Natives Americans, and English Language Learners. The brief’s design, layout, writing, and organization make it accessible to policymakers and other audiences. Each section contains a specific real-world example for its intended population, and the brief concludes with sound ideas for policymakers and other audiences to consider. Utility is reasonable, although limited by the short length, coverage of three main groups, and broad questions posed. Evidence of effectiveness is not addressed; therefore, potential impact on learning can be inferred from the content covered and its quality.