Common Core State Standards Implementation Survey
This online form of California’s Common Core State Standards Implementation Survey lists all the questions asked in the survey. Survey questions are grouped into five categories: general implementation, professional learning, instructional materials, assessment, and communications and outreach. The purpose of this online form is that it can be used as a reference by local educational agencies (LEAs) participating in the survey. The page also contains a link to view survey responses from LEAs.
This California Department of Education survey contains questions to help evaluate a school district’s implementation of the Common Core State Standards. The content of the questions is aligned with ESEA goals and reasonably plausible; however, potential users such as states might likely use the survey to create their own instrument, and they may well have already developed better surveys. This one contains several yes/no questions that are overly simplistic and several open ended questions that would be time consuming to review and use. Also, the link at the end of this document to those California school districts that have presumably used this survey does not work. Communications quality is reasonable although background information about the survey and how it might or should be used is not provided. Evidence of effectiveness would have to be inferred based on the survey’s content, not from an external source.