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Considerations for Analyzing Educators’ Contributions to Student Learning in Non-tested Subjects and Grades with a Focus on Student Learning Objectives

This paper from the Center for Assessment discusses the challenges of measuring student academic growth for purposes of teacher evaluations in non-tested subjects and grades, with a specific focus on measuring growth in a student learning objective (SLO) context. According to the authors, this brief is “designed to strongly recommend that, for educators in most subjects and grades, growth-based measures should be avoided as a means of evaluating SLO. This is particularly true for subjects and grades in which there is not a standardized, large-scale district or state assessment” (p. 2). The paper explains the authors’ rationale and elaboration regarding this recommendation.

Content Comments

The purposes of this publication are clearly stated and met, backed by quality methodology and sound reasoning. Credibility is high, largely based on the authors’ expertise. The writing style is typical for a research paper; that is, the information is presented just as in an academic paper, without special graphic design and in rather long sentences. The paper provides important warnings about measurements that may be used to evaluate teacher quality in non-tested subjects and grades. Consequently, utility should be quite high for those who are willing to read and heed the authors conclusions and recommendations.

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