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Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards Corresponding to the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards
The Council of Chief State School Officers developed this framework to assist states with the work of developing or adapting English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the forthcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The goal of the English Language Proficiency Development Framework is to “provide guidance to states on how to use the expectations of the CCSS and NGSS as tools for the creation and evaluation of ELP standards” (p. ii). The framework (1) outlines the underlying English language practices found in the CCSS and the NGSS, (2) communicates to ELL stakeholders the language that all ELLs need in order to successfully engage the CCSS and NGSS, and (3) specifies a procedure to evaluate the degree of alignment between the Framework and ELP standards.
The English Language Proficiency Development Framework was developed by a substantial number of leading scholars in the ELD field, thus providing substantial credibility to its methods, accuracy, plausibility, and value. However, while its purpose is primarily to support English Language Learners, only a small part of the content is specific to that audience, while the majority is applicable to the broader population of all students. The design and graphics are generally of high quality, but users may struggle through not only the extensive research language, but also the amount of detail in some sections and the various caveats such as the following in Section 4.1: Introduction to the Models . “The purpose in presenting the following models is neither to present fully formed ELP standards nor recommend a particular format for those standards to appear within. They are intended merely as guidance for readers of the Framework to see how it could be fruitfully used in leading the construction and/or evaluation of state ELP standards. As such, the models are intentionally and explicitly incomplete, offering instead a snapshot of the Framework in action.” State departments of education are more likely to use this resource compared to practitioners, but for those who work in the ELD field, this could be a very useful resource. Although evidence of effectiveness is not discussed, it is reasonable to infer that the resource could at least partially contribute to some learning improvements.