Front Matter for Progressions for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (draft)
Front Matter is an introduction to a series of papers that make up the Progressions Documents for the Common Core Math Standards. In this introduction, the writing team for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics presents an overview of how the math standards were conceptualized and written, citing research in the areas of progressions, cognition, and learning. It also gives a primer on the organization and content of the math CCSS. This document is intended to inform teacher preparation and professional development, curriculum organization, and textbook development.
“The Progressions are intended to inform teacher preparation and professional development, curriculum organization, and textbook content. Thus, their audience includes teachers and anyone involved with schools, teacher education, test development, or curriculum development” The resource does this. While a bit technical in its presentation for individuals not familiar with mathematical concepts, this resource provides valuable information and examples on learning progressions and how they were derived to inform the Common Core standards in mathematics. Its layout, use of graphic examples, and hyperlinks add to its communication value and usefulness.