How to Design and Select Quality Assessments
This web site from the Ohio Department of Education, in conjunction with Battelle for Kids, provides online resources aimed at helping participants enhance their assessment literacy skills. While some resources are specific to Ohio (e.g., resources to for developing measures of student growth through student learning objectives), the presentations are useful for individuals wanting to learn more about Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK), as well as about the skills needed to critically develop, review and score varied types of assessments.”
The linked resources on this web site provide useful information for individuals wanting to increase their assessment literacy. A number of short and well-presented videos focused on Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (links to YouTube resources) provide helpful information in a format that is easy to understand and access. Individuals willing to scan and explore the site, along with the information presented, should benefit from these resources. Those interested in learning more about designing and selecting assessments can be utilize these individual videos, or use them in conjunction with other assessment resources.