Resource Hub
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Informing Writing: The Benefits of Formative Assessment
This resource focuses on the writing achievement of American students, most of whom do not write well enough to meet grade-level demands, despite improvement in the last 20 years (Salahu-Din, Persky, & Miller, 2008). The inability to effectively convey thoughts and ideas through writing is integral to why many students do not complete high school. Among those who do graduate, many will be unprepared in terms of writing requirements for college and/or career, and will therefore be seriously disadvantaged in successfully pursuing higher education, securing a job that pays a living wage, and/or participating in social and civic activities.
This lucid, timely resource provides practical guidance for educators on how to improve students’ writing and ability to communicate, especially in the context of preparing students for college and career in the 21st century. The forward provides a useful context for the resource.