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Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions: The Innovation Lab Network State Framework for College, Career, and Citizenship Readiness, and Implications for State Policy

From the publishers: “Stemming from the collective work of ILN (ten Innovation Lab Network) states, this white paper communicates the shared framework and definitional elements of CCCR (College, Career and Citizenship Readiness) accepted by ILN chief state school officers in June 2012. Going forward, each ILN state has committed to adopting a definition of college and career readiness that is consistent with these elements, although precise language may be adapted; and to reorient its education system in pursuit of this goal.” The authors set forth a model with three key components: knowledge, skills, and dispositions. 

Content Comments

The authors of this white paper set forth their goals clearly and generally meet them. As a white paper, the methodology appears reasonable, drawing from a broad number of respected publications and resources. Certainly one could argue the learning model presented or some assumptions in the white paper, such as the claim that the Common Core State Standards are absolutely essential. The latter fails to recognize that a sizeable number of states either have or are developing their own standards. Communications quality is reasonable, although the resource a bit short on graphic design and long on educational terminology. Utility should be reasonable given that the ten states that are ILN members represent sizeable student and school populations. Because this is a white paper, evidence of effectiveness is a less important criterion.

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