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Next Generation Science Assessment Project

The Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA) team is developing technology-enhanced assessment tasks, rubrics, and accompanying instructional resources in physical science and life science for middle school classrooms. The project aims to create exemplary tasks that can be used during instruction to garner good evidence that students are building proficiency with the NGSS performance expectations. 

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The Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA) Project is a collaboration between four organizations: SRI International’s Center for Technology in Learning, Michigan State University’s CREATE for STEM Institute, The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Learning Sciences Research Institute with The Concord Consortium. Using the evidence-centered design framework as a guide, they articulate a process for designing and developing assessments that science teachers can use formatively to gauge their students’ progress on NGSS performance expectations. Validity studies will be included to address cognitive, inferential, and instructional aspects of validity and include expert reviews of alignment with the Framework and the NGSS, student cognitive analyses, classroom observation, teacher interviews, and psychometric analyses. The research will include teachers in co-developing resources for formative use of the assessments.

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Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)