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Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Large-Scale Assessment Alignment Expectations, Challenges, and Solutions

The assessment development of three-dimensional science standards represents rapidly evolving opportunities. Revisiting similar topics year after year allows for ongoing lessons and growth in understanding. In this symposium, several states at the forefront of NGSS-aligned assessment development shared their current thinking and strategies. States shared lessons learned as development efforts continue to move forward and states still explore new understandings of evolving and emerging NGSS assessment topics. Participants were involved in the thinking and sense-making as alignment principles were explored.

State representatives also shared updates regarding development of NGSS-aligned assessments, focusing on key design and alignment decisions and rationales. The panel, along with attendees, explored the following questions: Can student understanding and ability in certain aspects of the NGSS be measured with fidelity? What are measurement limitations of certain dimensions/aspects of the NGSS?


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