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Observations on CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Content: What Content is Visibly Emphasized?

This guidance document visually demonstrates what content is emphasized through the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). In addition to visually displaying and providing reasoning for the major differences in emphases between the pre-CCSSM strand model and the CCSSM model, the document describes and provides further resources for these emphases across three levels: the domain level, the cluster-level, and by sorting the content clusters into a complete picture of Major, Additional, and Supporting categories. The document also highlights the how the Critical Areas and Mathematical Practices of the CCSSM support the emphases in the content standards.

Content Comments

This guidance document helps educators place the details of a specific grade (K-8) within a larger picture of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). By doing so, this document leads to a deeper understanding of how the major work from one grade reinforces and fits into the CCSSM arc between Arithmetic and Algebra. Seeing the big picture in addition to the fine details of a grade level can lead to a more precise and complete implementation of the standards.

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Grade Level

Elementary School (K-5) Middle School (6-8)