Professional Development: Introduction to the ELA / Literacy Shifts
The Introduction to the ELA / Literacy Shifts Module is a 1-2 hour module that provides an introduction to the key shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for ELA / Literacy. The module is meant to be customized and tailored to meet the needs of educators. Professional development facilitators are especially encouraged to customize any or all portions of the module to meet the needs of any particular audience. The module includes the following resources:
User’s Guide
PowerPoint Presentation on the key instructional shifts required by the CCSS for English Language Arts and Literacy
Handouts to facilitate and encourage reflective processing of the shifts
An activity to help you become familiar with the content of the standards
Related research and readings that can be used in professional learning communities (PLCs)
When using this resource, Achieve the Core encourages you to read the User’s Guide first. It is a detailed guide for the self-learner and/or professional development facilitator. The guide includes a summary of the contents of the module, followed by suggestions for using the module – whether you have one hour or two. There is a summary of each of the activities and full references/links for all papers, videos, and other web resources.