Seeing the Future: How the Common Core Will Affect Mathematics and English Language Arts in Grades 3-12 Across America
This resource, published by the Center for K-12 Assessment & Performance Management at ETS, was developed to help school board members, legislators, parent leaders, and the public explore how the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and new assessments will impact teaching and learning in classrooms. The resource is a compilation of essays from 14 content experts in the fields of mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy, covering elementary grades through college. In the essays, sample test items and tasks are review and their implications for the classroom are discussed.
This document provides a thorough explanation of the history and nature of the CCSS, with a particular focus on their key shifts from previous standards. It highlights actions parents can take to support their children’s academic achievement in this new context. Examples of lessons exemplifying the shifts are also provided as well as tasks created by the assessment consortia, PARCC and SBAC.