STEM to STEAM: Resources Toolkit
Edutopia has curated three collections related to STEAM: STEM, STEAM, and Maker Education. These collections contain resources on integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and on infusing the arts to transform STEM into STEAM. These collections will help teachers plan different approaches to integrated studies involving STEAM.
This is well-organized and nicely curated collection of resources for teachers in all grade levels interested in implementing STEAM in their classrooms. Each of the three collections contain dozens of resources that are organized by topic, such as guidance on the benefits of integrated lessons, getting started with STEAM (and STEM) programs, and model lessons. The Maker Education collection is a unique and useful group of resources to include in STEAM programs; adding maker projects readily encompass core STEAM concepts in meaningful tasks. There are many good ideas found in these collections for educators to incorporate STEAM into classroom learning.