Resource Hub

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Strategies for Social and Emotional Learning: Preschool and Elementary Grade Student Learning Standards and Assessment

This brief, published by the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention, provides information and strategies to implement and assess SEL in schools and districts. The purposes of the brief are to: (1) describe standards for an SEL program, (2) introduce teacher-rated assessment tools that can be used to measure the SEL with pre-school and elementary school children, and (3) provide guidance on implementing and assessing SEL in school settings.

Content Comments

The purposes of this resource are clearly stated and achieved in this brief guidance document on implementing and assessing SEL in preschool and elementary schools. Under the “SEL Assessment” section of the brief, it should be noted that the authors use CASEL’s definition and framework of SEL and provide a list of SEL assessments that meet criteria established by the CASEL Work Group. A useful section in the brief, “Implementing SEL in Your School or District,” offers guidance on collecting and using data and monitoring results.

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Early Learning Elementary School (K-5)