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Supporting English Language Learners with Next-Gen Tools

This paper highlights existing technological tools that can be used to support instruction of English learners (EL). These tools fall into two categories: EL-specific products and the other communication and translation tools. The collection of technological tools highlighted in this paper was developed through interviewing over 25 experienced EL practitioners, experts, education technology leaders and thought leaders across the United States. In addition to providing a brief description of the tools, best practices or ideal use, and applicable grade level, the paper also illustrates ways that these tools can be used to spur innovation for teaching and learning. In an attempt to provide a landscape analysis of of EL programs, strategies, tools, and applications, this paper offers 10 guiding principles for EL instruction. These principles were developed from the conducted interviews and through researching quality technological tools for EL instruction. In efforts to explain the 10 principles, the paper offers research-based information, quotes, case studies, stories voiced by EL learners, links to podcasts, and spotlights on model schools. The paper concludes by explaining the adoption, standards, and invention gaps facing the effective use of technology to support EL instruction and a set of 11 recommendations aimed at using technology to positively impact EL achievement.

Content Comments

The 10 guiding principles offered in this paper could be helpful for professional development, teacher self-reflection, implementation, and evaluation of EL programs. The technological tools offered in this paper offer a landscape analysis of both what is available and what is missing, technologically, to support instruction for EL learners. As these tools were gathered in part through interviewing educators and district leaders, many of these tools have been tried and tested by educators who work with EL learners on a daily basis. Finally, the paper also offers terminology about the types of technology that are commonly used in education. Included in this section is also the stage of development of these technologies and their intended use. Overall, this is a good resource for educators, schools, and districts who are developing, implementing, and evaluating new or existing EL programs.

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Grade Level

Early Learning Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)