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The Common Core Ate My Baby and Other Urban Legends

Educational Leadership article in which a noted literacy expert discusses five myths about the new standards and explains what the standards really entail.

Content Comments

The goals are stated in a short introductory line and effectively executed in the full article. Standards, methods, accuracy and plausibility are all very reasonable. The strength of the article is most likely to be to counter misunderstandings or even misrepresentations of the common core standards in literacy. Although weak on visuals, the text is generally easy to read and comprehend. Length is right on target for an article of this nature. The opening humor and comparisons to eating one’s baby is catchy, but a little overdone and not particularly original. A nicely referenced article, it is very timely especially given recent criticisms of the CCSS. It is very relevant to practitioner audiences, even in non-literacy fields. Although it might not have a direct effect on learning, it should contribute to a number of other articles that support the CCSS against rather capricious claims to the contrary.

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