The Linked Learning Advantage: Using Linked Learning to Implement the Common Core State Standards
This brief examines how Linked Learning, an approach to high school reform that prepares students for college and careers by connecting learning in the classroom with real-world applications outside the school, offers an advantage to teachers, schools, and districts implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The brief is intended as a guide to practitioners, administrators, parents, policymakers, and others for use in understanding the parallels between the CCSS and Linked Learning and to discover strategic approaches for combining the CCSS and Linked Learning to design high-quality, relevant, and 21st-century instruction for all students.
This policy brief begins with a quick overview and explanation framed by the question, “What is Linked Learning?” Succinct text and tables show the alignment between the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and CCSS instructional shifts to instructional practices in Linked Learning. It communicates useful information through its concise organization and ends by recommending “Capacity Building Actions for Districts” and “Essential Actions for Supporting Teachers.”