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The Road Ahead for State Assessments: What the Assessment Consortia Built, Why it Matters, and Emerging Options
CSAI Co-Director, Andrew Latham, contributed the article “ESSA and the New Era of Local Control for Assessment and Accountability” in the final edition in a series on the six federally funded consortia. (See Related Resource section below for an earlier publication from the series.) In the article, Latham examines how ESSA allows for greater state flexibility in assessments that count toward accountability purposes. He includes key considerations for states as they redesign their assessment systems and think about implementing new multicomponent systems.
This publication is from the Coming Together to Raise Achievement project of the K-12 Center at ETS. Other articles in the publication include impacts of the Race to the Top Assessment Program, analysis of the new assessments, and summaries of the six assessment consortia (PARCC, Smarter Balanced, Dynamic Learning Maps, Multistate Alternate Assessment, ELPA21, and WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).