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CAASPP Student Score Report Information
This web page links to a number of guides for parents or guardians to help them read and understand the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) student score reports. It also links to other resources, including parent guides to the Smarter Balanced summative assessments, English language arts and mathematics assessments, alternate performance assessments, and standards-based tests in Spanish.
Among this page’s features is a link to practice assessments in both mathematics and English language arts that provides good insight for parents about not just the tests but the rigor of what students are expected to learn in school. Communications quality is excellent. The guides are easy to read, although a bit long, and include good graphics. Use, however, will likely be limited to California parents, although some of the materials would be helpful to parents in other states taking Smarter Balanced assessments. Evidence of effectiveness is not provided, but greater parent understanding of both the assessments and their related reports is a very likely outcome.