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Vignette Collection of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve

The Vignette Collection resource is a compilation of in-depth classroom lesson examples. Each vignette is intended to illustrate a specific literacy practice (i.e., close reading, summarizing informational texts, etc.). Vignettes follow a standard format and typically include most of the following sections:

Lesson Context
Learning Target
ELA/Lit and/or ELD Standards
Lesson Excerpts
Teacher Reflection and Next Steps
Additional Information
Recommended Reading

Content Comments

Vignettes offer educators a close look at a lesson. The inclusion of resources, excerpts of classroom dialogue, learning targets, and standards support educators in examining how an instructional lesson unfolds in a classroom context. Especially helpful are the descriptions of the students in the classroom, the discussion excerpts, the inclusion of classroom artifacts, and the teacher reflection.

General Topics


Resource Type


Grade Level

Early Learning Elementary School (K-5) High School (9-12) Middle School (6-8)