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Vignette Collection of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
The Vignette Collection resource is a compilation of in-depth classroom lesson examples. Each vignette is intended to illustrate a specific literacy practice (i.e., close reading, summarizing informational texts, etc.). Vignettes follow a standard format and typically include most of the following sections:
Lesson Context
Learning Target
ELA/Lit and/or ELD Standards
Lesson Excerpts
Teacher Reflection and Next Steps
Additional Information
Recommended Reading
Vignettes offer educators a close look at a lesson. The inclusion of resources, excerpts of classroom dialogue, learning targets, and standards support educators in examining how an instructional lesson unfolds in a classroom context. Especially helpful are the descriptions of the students in the classroom, the discussion excerpts, the inclusion of classroom artifacts, and the teacher reflection.